Dear Winter Park Family,
As I write this edition of “Paul’s Perspective,” I identify with Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. You may recall that on Easter Sunday, we put ourselves in the Easter shoes of these three women. In the Gospel of Mark, it is these three women who bring spices to anoint Jesus after Joseph of Arimathea had laid him in a tomb and after the Sabbath was complete. You may also recall that on Easter Sunday, we spent significant time considering the unusual ending of Mark’s gospel. Mark 16:8 says about the women, “They went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had gripped them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” The women are filled with fear and excitement all at once over the news from the young man, in a white robe, that Jesus is not in the tomb because He has risen.
This is how I feel – excited and trembling – over important conversations that are around the corner in the life of our church. The following two topics are on the horizon: 1) Baptism and 2) Sunday morning worship structure. Allow me to offer a few words about each.
We will vote on a motion, in our next business meeting on May 5, from the constitution and bylaws committee to expand our baptismal policy to accept people into our church membership who come to us from Christian denominations who administer baptism differently than we Baptists. If this motion passes, such persons will no longer be required to be rebaptized unless they desire rebaptism. Of course, we will continue to practice baptism as we always have – believers’ baptism by immersion. When persons come to us requesting baptism for the first time, they will be dunked! For persons seeking membership with Winter Park Baptist Church, who come to us from another Christian denomination, all that will be required for membership is their profession of faith in Jesus the Christ and the earlier baptism from whichever Christian tradition they emerge – Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Catholic, Disciples of Christ, etc. This Wednesday, April 10 at 6pm in our church fellowship hall, we will discuss baptism and this motion further. If you are interested in this discussion, please do all you can to be present.
As you are likely aware, Chris Gambill will preach in both morning services this Sunday (April 14, 2024). And then, after a churchwide lunch that will begin around noon, Chris will lead us in an afternoon session that will begin at the conclusion of lunch and wrap up around 2pm. If you plan to eat lunch with us, please do
sign up here, if you have not already. Or you can call the church office to sign up for lunch. Children will eat lunch with their families and then childcare will be provided during Chris’ afternoon presentation. Chris will speak with us about the impact of cultural shifts in American society on the church under the titles, “New Wineskins for New Wine” and “New Wineskins for the Post-pandemic Church.”
After Chris’ time with us we will then engage in three congregational conversations about our Sunday morning worship structure. These conversations will be led by our church moderator, Steve Yandle, and these conversations will take place on the following days and at the following times:
Sunday, April 21 at 10am in the community center (children and youth will meet as usual for Sunday School).
Tuesday, April 23 at Noon in the church fellowship hall – bring your own lunch or sign up for lunch when the link becomes available later or just come.
Wednesday, April 24 at 6pm – immediately following the churchwide meal which begins at 5pm. If you would like to eat at 5pm, sign up when the link becomes available later. Otherwise, just come at 6pm for the discussion.
So, here we go – ready or not! I am ready, though. While not as big as Jesus’ resurrection, these two topics are, I believe, of central importance to our church’s future success and vitality. When such occasions arise, it is appropriate to walk with a degree of trembling in one hand and much excitement in the other.
In Christ,