Dear Winter Park Family,
Last Sunday (10-29-2023) provides me with an excellent opportunity to share with you what I see after four months of service as your pastor. Sunday’s activities provided us with a surge of godly energy as seven people joined our church. It simply feels good when people join the church. It means someone likes us! So, when seven people tell us they like us on the same day, overwhelming joy permeates the congregation as was our experience. We give glory to God for new people, and returning people, finding their place within our Christian community. Welcome Bryant and Savana, Kim and Norm, Dan and Donna, and Barb! Even if no one joined our congregation last Sunday, my current assessment of our church would be the same. I find myself quite optimistic about Winter Park Baptist Church. However, I want to make the most of the optimism we all felt last Sunday. Allow me then to share with you the reasons for my optimism about Winter Park Baptist Church.
Several positive characteristics of our church were on full display during our business meeting last Sunday. We heard Jamie Craig give an update concerning the deacon benevolence outreach to members of our congregation. On Sunday, July 30 our deacons reinstated the practice of receiving a fifth Sunday benevolence offering. Our people were most generous. And we have used most of those funds in support of a Winter Park family. This past Sunday, October 29, was also a fifth Sunday. And we received another benevolence offering from which our deacons will share with persons, from our own church, in need.
As important as it is to care for ourselves, it is equally important that our church has a reach beyond our own congregation. And so, we heard Wayne Polston invite our church to partner with Church World Services to assist a Pakistani family who will arrive in Wilmington on November 15. This family consists of a mother and her five daughters. We are asked to help this family set up a house and/or assist the family with transportation needs. I am thrilled our church has responded enthusiastically to this mission project.
I am optimistic about Winter Park Baptist Church because we are intentionally reaching out to our neighbors with the love of Christ – neighbors we know and neighbors we do not know.
We made a major decision during our Sunday business meeting. Following the example of the widow woman, found in 1 Kings 17, our church took a risk. We sensed a holy nudge and decided to step into the land of the uncomfortable. Even though our expenses are currently greater than our revenues, we unanimously agreed to recommend a new staff position in our 2024 budget. We will vote on the 2024 budget this Sunday (11-5-2023). The consensus view appears to be that it is riskier for our church not to call a full-time minister to students and their families than it is for us to take a bit of financial risk in pursuit of this church staff position. In addition to the needs of our current youth and college students, the 19 beautiful children who led us in worship Sunday morning serves as more evidence that God is leading us in this direction.
I am optimistic about Winter Park Baptist Church because we not only say we believe in a God who enables small amounts of food to stretch days and days as well as in a God who raises the dead, we also behave like we believe in such a God.
As to our finances, I will spare you the technical details. However, Richard, our financial administrator, informs me that we are in significantly better shape this year than we were last year at this time. In the past, our strongest giving months have been November and December. If this trend holds this year, we just might finish the year in the black. I see two steps in our journey to financial stability. First, we finish this year with our revenues exceeding our expenses. Second, in 2024, we come together and provide the additional necessary resources for our much-needed full-time minister to students and their families.
I am optimistic about Winter Park Baptist Church because our people respond to our financial needs.
Finally, our sanctuary had a full feel to it last Sunday. As I read the Scripture for the sermon, I could not help but be inspired by the number of people standing in our sanctuary. I find a full sanctuary, or community center, more uplifting than a sunrise at the beach or fall leaves in the mountains. On a related topic, you might be interested to know for October we averaged the largest number of people for Sunday School since my arrival – 185 people on average with a high of 204 on Sunday October 1.
Most everything came together at once last Sunday – high levels of participation for worship and Sunday School, new members, a mission’s emphasis during the business meeting as well a spirit-led risk, and just an overall jolt of God-inspired energy. One of our new members said to me, “I felt it!” I did too. And it was glorious.
I pray last Sunday was a foretaste of what is to come. I believe it is - this is what I see. Do you see this too? I hope so. The best action then the Winter Park Baptist Church community (especially church members but visitors as well) can take is to show up. Show up for Sunday School. Show up for gathered worship at 8:30am or 11am. Show up for Wednesday night activities. Show up for church mission projects. Place Winter Park Baptist Church high on your priority list. Dr. Robert Lamb, a beloved professor from my past, said, “It takes hard work for a church to grow.” Indeed, it does. But my oh my, doesn’t last Sunday make you want to roll up your sleeves and go to work
In Christ,